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Coming Events and Registration

    • 22 Aug 2024
    • 8:30 AM
    • 30 Jun 2025
    • 1:00 PM
    • Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, Phoenixville, PA

    We are excited to announce that we are now accepting Applications for the 3-Year Foundation Program beginning November 2025.

    Upon receipt and confirmation of your Application fee payment, you will be sent an email with a link to the Application.  Please complete this Application and email it to:   admin@anthroposophicpsychology.org

    Your Application will be reviewed by Faculty before acceptance.  If accepted to the program, your Application fee will be applied towards your tuition.

    ATTENTION past Graduates of all of the 3-Year Foundation Program Cohorts, an Application is not required.  If you are interested in attending Cohort 6, please email: admin@AnthroposophicPsychology.org to let us know of your intention.  You will be asked to complete a Commitment Agreement.

    AAP Internships are offered to previous graduates of the 3-Year Foundation Program.  If you wish to apply to be an Intern for Cohort 6, please email me and I will forward to you an "AAP Internship Application" to be completed for consideration.

    Counselors AdVenture (CAV) delivers the programs of the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology (AAP).  In a gesture of good-will to other mission-related organizations, CAV may also alert you to their offerings when the content is related to the mission of AAP.

    • 13 Mar 2025
    • 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM
    • AHA Zoom

    Registration is through the Anthroposophic Health Association's website at:  https://aharegistration.wildapricot.org/event-6036828

    Click on the flyer below to open it in a PDF.

    • 16 Mar 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Online Sessions

    You are warmly invited to a transformative two-part course on the Six Modalities of Communication and Sound-Movement for Speech Health.

    We're honored to welcome Dietrich Von Bonin, a globally recognized therapist, educator, and lecturer in Therapeutic Speech Therapy (ATS), who has over 30 years of experience developing and implementing this profound approach.  

    In my own work, I've found the Six Modalities of Communication to be invaluable—whether I'm working with students in the classroom, navigating conflicts, collaborating with colleagues, directing performances, or deepening the interpretation of text. This course offers a hands-on experience with these powerful techniques, exploring how they can bring depth, clarity, and healing to your work as an educator, therapist, artist, or anyone seeking a deeper connection to the spoken word.

    I’d love it if you were able to join us for this unique exploration of ATS and discover how the art of speech can enrich both your personal and professional life.

    For more details, please visit my website at

    You can also find additional information on the below flyer, which I would appreciate you sharing with anyone who might benefit from this course. 

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

    Warm wishes,

    Debbie Spitulnik

    Art of Speech Collective

    • 21 Mar 2025
    • 23 Mar 2025
    • Online Workshop

    Reading, Writing, Rushing

    An Online Workshop with Eugene Schwartz
    Streaming from March 21 - March 23
    Tuition:  $150

    By Eugene Schwartz

    Over the past few years an important question has been raised throughout the Waldorf movement: Is the Waldorf “slow reading” idea out of sync with our fast-moving times?

    Under increasing pressure from parents, administrators, and their own colleagues, growing numbers of Waldorf teachers are moving children more rapidly and systematically into writing and reading. These “results-driven” approaches risk compromising essential principles of Waldorf pedagogy, particularly the formative activities of the etheric body.

    With this in mind, I have created an online course,
    Reading, Writing, Rushing, that addresses the alacrity with which early reading is being adopted in the Waldorf movement, public and private. The course will be online from March 21 through March 23.

    We begin with the study of the eye and the ear --not the brain. We share some surprising insights concerning the inner nature of Rudolf Steiner's literacy methodology. We will offer help to teachers who feel that they are no longer free agents in their classroom but must use ready-made programs.

    For anyone concerned with healthy child development, this
    six-hour-long online presentation will offer insights into the depth and efficacy of Rudolf Steiner’s approach to reading and writing. What I have compiled may be of help when literacy issues arise in faculty meetings and in meetings with and among parents, or in a clinical setting. This course will serve as a confirmation of the profound role that eurythmy, handwork, games and songs, and the visual arts play in mitigating the effects of our students’ early awakening. Participants will complete the course with a renewed commitment to the Waldorf curriculum and its role in the preservation of childhood.

    For more information visit: iwaldorf.net/readinginfo.html

    or contact us at: iwaldorf@icloud.com

    • 23 Mar 2025
    • 18 May 2025
    • Online Workshop

    You are invited to the following online event:

    How to access inner strength when Facing Difficult People and Situations

    Course Leader: Marie Davis (USA) and Theodor Hundhammer (Switzerland)

    Time: Eight Sundays from March 23 to May 18, 2025  at 1pm EST, 10pm PST

    Costs: 98 USD – 10% Early Bird Discount | 50% Group Discount

    Platform: Eurythmy4you Zodiac Festival 

    What the course is about

    We will be highlighting certain foundational aspects of social life, soul life and eurythmy. Since the course is meant to be experiential, we will not go deeply into the theory but use movement and avenues of research for participants to find their own questions and answers.

    Since we also believe that each individual has a part of the truth, we are seeking to get as many perspectives and aspects of our human experience as possible thereby hoping to bring us closer to ‘reality or truths’.

    Our research into the interrelationship of eurythmy zodiac gestures and their potential to counter one-sided personal imbalances was initially inspired by William Bento’s work on the role of anatomic planes in shaping personality (The Counselor, D. Tresemer, W. Bento, E. Knighton, 2015).

    What we will do

    What we will be sharing are doorways to a greater understanding of the human and subhuman/antisocial forces working in the world and in us and how they can become educators for us on a path of becoming

    We will be focused on the planes of space, modes, quincux aspects and the qualities of the zodiacal being themselves. These will also be considered in relation to our soul life.

    What we are striving for

    We will seek to work with the soul forces of the other person, the zodiac, the relationships (quincux, yod, and modes) and self-knowledge as a path of becoming and developing social forces of healing.

    As we know from our world today, destructive forces seek to disrupt healthy social forces to flow between us. The nature of our current challenges invites us to ask deep questions and face difficult situations and relationship dynamics. 

    In-depth information about the course you can find on our course page:

    Facing Difficult People and Situations

    If you're interested in exploring more courses from the Eurythmy4you Zodiac Festival, check them out here:

    • 28 Mar 2025
    • 16 Apr 2025
    • Italy
    • 29 Mar 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    • AAP Zoom Room

    The AAP Board and Faculty PRESENTS:

    FREE Webinars

    with Roberta Nelson, PhD and Christine Huston

    When:   Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 12:00 noon (Eastern Time)
    Time Zones: 12 PM EST, 11 AM CST, 10 AM MST, 9 AM PST

    How can we all have more meaningful, open and trusting relationships with one another?

    Hearing the many reports of growing isolation that people are experiencing, with the polarization of ideologies, technology replacing human interaction, and a pandemic that forced our separation, is it any wonder that we are facing an “epidemic of loneliness”? What is the best remedy for this malaise?

    More personally, how can we improve the quality of our own interactions with others and enhance our own relationships? What do we need to know so we can boost our ability to “be with” another, fully and genuinely?

    What can anthroposophic psychology tell us about achieving this most fundamental human need for true human connection? What does the heart have to do with it?

    We hope you will join us as we explore the realm of healthy relationality, together.

    This session will be recorded and the recording link made available for viewing for 30 days after the event.

    For more information about these events, including registration links, please visit the Special Events page.

    Cost: FREE, though if you feel inclined to support events like these, we appreciate any Donations 

    Upon registration for each the FREE webinars, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom information.  Additional reminder emails will be sent out to registrants.

    Webinars Offered:

    May 31, 2025: Burnout: understanding and help from Anthroposophic psychology, with Zheni Nasi, MA, RP (Qualifying) and Vincent Roppolo

    July 26, 2025: Developing Inner Peace: one meditative way, with Susan Overhauser, PhD

    September 27, 2025: TBA

    • 30 Mar 2025
    • 02 Apr 2025
    • The Camphill School, Beaver Run, 1784 Fairview Road, Glenmoore, PA 19343

    Save the Date

    REGISTRATION FORM  Please fill out the registration form as soon as you have your travel plans in place. Please also be sure to pass this on to anyone who might be interested in attending this open gathering.

    AGENDA for the Conference

    For questions, please contact Guy Alma at galma@camphillschool.org

    or Jacquelyn Bieringer at jacquelyn.bieringer@camphillghent.org

    • 10 Apr 2025
    • 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM
    • AHA Zoom

    Registration is through the Anthroposophic Health Association's website at:  https://aharegistration.wildapricot.org/event-6080115

    Click on the flyer below to open it in a PDF.

    • 23 Apr 2025
    • 8:30 AM
    • 27 Apr 2025
    • 1:00 PM
    • Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, 1601 Pughtown Road, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania

    Seminar 9:  Digesting the 2-fold, 3-fold, 4-fold, 7-fold, 9-fold and 12-fold Understanding of the Human Being and the World

    Understanding all systems from the viewpoint of the 12-fold structure of manifestation; pathways towards ennobling the personality; personality disorders from perspective of three spatial planes; capstone projects; closing our learning circle; recapping the anthroposophic psychology program via AAP’s mission statement: “Re-membering psychology through relational Anthroposophia.”

    The price of tuition does not include travel, lodging or meals.

      Curriculum: You can preview the curriculum here.

      Counselors AdVenture (CAV) delivers the programs of the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology (AAP).  In a gesture of good-will to other mission-related organizations, CAV may also alert you to their offerings when the content is related to the mission of AAP.

      • 17 May 2025
      • 3:00 PM
      • Online Conference


      Online Conference 2025
      Painting & Sculpture

      "Listening to the heart"
      Perceiving etheric heart forces in our own biography

      May 17, 2025
      in English with Spanish Translation


      Dear visual art therapy colleagues,

      Based on the results of a survey we made, we have decided to organize a conference on painting and sculpting, to which we would now like to invite you!

      The online conference will take place on 17 May 2025, 15:00–21:30 CET.

      We would like to invite you to listen to the two keynote lectures as well as short testimonials from participants, recorded at the 25th International Study Days for Art Therapies at the Goetheanum from 9–12 January 2025.

      This will be followed by a self-directed offline part, in which we encourage you to work with exercises given in workshops at the Dornach conference. Afterwards, there will be an online opportunity for sharing and exchanging ideas.

      The title of the Online-conference will be: "Listening to the Heart" – Perceiving Etheric Heart Forces in your own Biography.

      We are dedicating this conference to the etheric forces of the heart, as they unfold during the three seven-year periods, from 21 to 42. Our task is to perceive more finely and listen to the heart!

      Within this call lies the task of listening to our own finely pulsating heart and developing our powers of intuition. This is also the key to empowering our patients to listen to their own heart and thus shape their own life's path. Obstacles and crises appear in these years of life as both inner and outer abysses. At the same time, they can also develop into key moments for taking hold of one's biography and life in an “I”-like manner. They are often accompanied by deep spiritual experiences.

      If we look at social change, the physical, mental and spiritual phenomena of younger generations, and the questions they bring, we recognise the need for creating new paths and answers. The relationship of the earthly and the spiritual – reflected in the form of the human physical body and in the form of a living spirituality in the being of love, the Christ – becomes more urgent. This is where we, as therapists, are called upon to create warm relationship-spaces and raise our therapeutic attitude and ability to a new level.

      In practical terms, please have all the usual materials to hand that we normally work with in painting and sculpting therapy.

      We look forward to sharing the January study days with you in this particular way and thus making them accessible to our network and all of you colleagues worldwide.

      Best wishes from the preparatory team

      Heliana Cardona, Gabriela Osman, Linda Teipen

      • 31 May 2025
      • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
      • AAP Zoom Room

      The AAP Board and Faculty PRESENTS:

      FREE Online Webinars

      When: Saturdays at 12:00 noon (Eastern Time)
      Time Zones: 12 PM EST, 11 AM CST, 10 AM MST, 9 AM PST

      This session will be recorded and the recording link made available for viewing for 30 days after the event.

      For more information about these events, including registration links, please visit the Special Events page.

      Cost: FREE, though if you feel inclined to support events like these, we appreciate any Donations 

      Upon registration for each the FREE webinars, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom information.  Additional reminder emails will be sent out to registrants.

      Webinars Offered:

      July 26, 2025: Developing Inner Peace: one meditative way, with Susan Overhauser, PhD

      September 27, 2025: TBA

      • 06 Jun 2025
      • 09 Jun 2025
      • Goetheanum in Dornach / Switzerland

      Save the Date

      The Independent School of the Sections –

      Rudolf Steiners Inspiration for the Future of Civilization

      JUNE 6–9, 2025 at the Goetheanum in Dornach / Switzerland

      Dear colleagues and everyone who is interested in anthroposophy and the sections of the Independent School of Spiritual Science:

      A century after the founding of the Independent School for Spiritual Science a new step in its realization is called for. This latent call for a renewed spiritual deepening is evident in the widespread dynamics of polarization, disorientation, meaninglessness and social tensions that intensify to senseless war and violence.

      Today there are twelve sections, each active around the world and dedicated to a profession or discipline. They inspire research, projects and educational programs through innovative collaborations and exchange. Over Whitsun in 2025, which marks the 100th year since Rudolf Steiners death, we will take a fresh look at his inspirations for the sections and professional fields on the backdrop of contemporary challenges and dilemmas. How can we develop the work in the sections in alignment with Michael, the spirit of our age? How can our efforts prove fruitful in these challenging times and how are the accomplishments of the sections and professional fields working back into the very substance of anthroposophy? Can we penetrate the specific and individual methods of the various disciplines of our epistemic community and reach a higher understanding of reality? The image of the Whitsun community of disciples can serve as a proper symbol for our conference. Even though they spoke different languages, the common task that hovered before them led to a mutual understanding. One hundred years after the death of Rudolf Steiner we will seek for an analogous future oriented understanding of the independent school of the sections.

      The core questions we will work on together are:

      • What are the central inspirations Rudolf Steiner articulated for each section?
      • What method, knowledge practices and understanding does each section contribute to the school?
      • What is the contribution that each section offers the future of civilization?

        This conference is intended for everyone who is interested in anthroposophy and the sections of the Independent School of Spiritual Science. The conference will include opportunities to participate in professional working groups dedicated to research and development questions of the various fields and disciplines.

        With excitement in anticipation of the encounters and exchanges to come,

        For the Goetheanum Leadership

        Marion Debus, Christiane Haid, Karin Michael, Matthias Rang, Nathaniel Williams

        • 26 Jul 2025
        • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
        • AAP Zoom Room

        The AAP Board and Faculty PRESENTS:

        FREE Online Webinars

        When: Saturdays at 12:00 noon (Eastern Time)
        Time Zones: 12 PM EST, 11 AM CST, 10 AM MST, 9 AM PST

        This session will be recorded and the recording link made available for viewing for 30 days after the event.

        For more information about these events, including registration links, please visit the Special Events page.

        Cost: FREE, though if you feel inclined to support events like these, we appreciate any Donations 

        Upon registration for each the FREE webinars, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom information.  Additional reminder emails will be sent out to registrants.

        Webinars Offered:

        July 26, 2025: Developing Inner Peace: one meditative way, with Susan Overhauser, PhD

        September 27, 2025: TBA

        • 09 Sep 2025
        • 14 Sep 2025
        • Goetheanum in Dornach / Switzerland

        Save the Date

        International Annual Conference

        Extending the Art of Healing –

        Etheric Forces as Forces for the Future

        September 9-14, 2025

        at the Goetheanum in Dornach / Switzerland

        Dear colleagues, dear friends!


        Even up until the last days of his life, Rudolf Steiner worked with Ita Wegman to complete the book “Fundamentals of Therapy”. Therapeutic working groups around the world continue to study this book with great intensity. It brings truly ground-breaking new perspectives for medicine, especially through its descriptions of the human life organization, the etheric body. These contents provide us with a new foundation for extending the art of healing. The book provides a pathway towards a much-needed medicine that can also look forward, supporting healing forces in such a way that they can become future forces for people and their continually unfolding development. No other modern medical system describes etheric forces and their effects in our organism in such a differentiated way.

        Our next annual conference is dedicated to a deeper understanding and continued, richer development of this medical system.

        A selection of planned lectures: 

        • What does the renewal of the Mysteries mean from a nursing perspective? Where and how does the Christ work? | Tania Prince and Rolf Heine
        • The essence of the dandelion – a gift for our life forces | Vesna Forštnerič Lesjak and Karin Michael
        • Why We Need Strengthened Force of Thought for the Future | Adam Blanning


        Best greetings, on behalf of the preparation group

        Marion Debus, Karin Michael, Adam Blanning
        • 24 Sep 2025
        • 15 Oct 2025
        • Greece

        You are invited to this special event co-hosted by Gillian Schoemaker (AAP Adjunct Faculty).  For more information about registering, please email Gillian at:  gillianschoemaker@gmail.com

        For a complete itinerary, please click on the image below, or go to:  Greece Odyssey Flyer

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