Save the Date International Annual Conference
Extending the Art of Healing –
Etheric Forces as Forces for the Future September 9-14, 2025
at the Goetheanum in Dornach / Switzerland
Dear colleagues, dear friends!
Even up until the last days of his life, Rudolf Steiner worked with Ita Wegman to complete the book “Fundamentals of Therapy”. Therapeutic working groups around the world continue to study this book with great intensity. It brings truly ground-breaking new perspectives for medicine, especially through its descriptions of the human life organization, the etheric body. These contents provide us with a new foundation for extending the art of healing. The book provides a pathway towards a much-needed medicine that can also look forward, supporting healing forces in such a way that they can become future forces for people and their continually unfolding development. No other modern medical system describes etheric forces and their effects in our organism in such a differentiated way. Our next annual conference is dedicated to a deeper understanding and continued, richer development of this medical system. A selection of planned lectures:
Best greetings, on behalf of the preparation group
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