3-year Certificate ProgramA Foundation in Anthroposophic PsychologySTARTING NOvember 2025 |
You may be a licensed clinician, a professional psychologist, minister, social worker, life coach or perhaps a trusted friend to whom others turn for guidance. Whatever your helping role in life, you have surely felt the need for a more soul-and-spirit filled perspective than mainstream modalities can offer. Anthroposophic psychology works from a deep understanding of the nature and potential of each human being. ANTHROPOS : POSSIBLE HUMAN BEING | SOPHIA : DIVINE WISDOMA diverse community of professional colleagues is attracted to this work, each bringing unique knowledge and wisdom to share with one another during their three-year journey. Deep relationality can develop between cohort members in their mutual quest for greater understanding of what it means to be fully human. The program is highly experiential so students may have body/soul/spirit first-hand experience of concepts that are offered, developing skills gained through this approach. Our students develop new interpersonal and professional skills to bring to clients, to loved ones, and to the world at large. Many also discover increased self-knowledge and self-compassion. |
Registration |
We are now accepting Applications for Cohort 6. A non-refundable application fee of $100 USD will be charged. If accepted into Cohort 6, your $100 application fee will be applied towards tuition. |
Core Seminars |
Each of the nine carefully designed seminars includes a balance of experiential exercises, lectures, artistic response, movement, individual contemplation, and the richness of human relationship. Within each seminar, sufficient time is created to ponder, digest, wrestle with, and integrate the rich content and experiences. Between seminars, live online studies, and participant led studies, allow deeper understanding to ripen. Alterations to the curriculum can occur but this shows the general flow of concepts and experiences. To enliven thinking and creativity, to foster learning, to stimulate the will to change, to assist self-knowledge and transformation, a range of learning methodologies are engaged throughout the 9 seminars: lecture, movement, study resources, creative artistic activities for the non-artist, imagery exercises, concentration and meditation, visual arts, expressing through clay and color, charcoal exercises, form drawing, storytelling, drama, role playing, nature observations, journaling. |
Purpose, Principles & Practices of Anthroposophic PsychologyRevealing the value of anthroposophic psychology; placing anthroposophic psychology within the stream of contemporary psychology; psychosynthesis and anthroposophy alliance; uncovering who I am; recognizing education as self-education; human encounters as developmental wellsprings; principles of “becoming” contrasted with pathology orientation; progressing from Freud; evidence─ based; DSM and beyond; dimensions and dynamics of consciousness; awakening the will to learn and to change; differentiating presencing from mindfulness; ontological security as key to spiritual dimensions of the “I”; role of empathic resonance in healing; body, soul and spirit; introducing human nature as two-fold, three-fold, four-fold, seven-fold, nine-fold and twelve-fold; pathos and spiritus; contemporary soul challenges; humanity at the threshold between earthly and spiritual realities. | Discovering the Components and Contributions of the Sacred Wound and the Primal WoundHumanity as carrier of the sacred wound; existential anxiety and its origin in the human story; primal wound linked to empathic failure; 4-fold birth of the human being: actual physical body, invisible life-body, desire body and “I”; exploring birth to age 7 (first septennial); trauma, cumulative trauma and dissociation as a response to trauma; personal self as child-of-history; spiritual aspects of our Child-of-Self; rethinking attachment and attachment disorders; brokenness as pathway to wholeness; exploring the multi-faceted 4-fold human nature; transference and counter-transference; sensory experience in the young child; encountering hidden complexes/subpersonalities; ego defenses as armor and obstacle; creating context for Oedipal dynamics; value of object relations theory; landscape of the soul; feelings and states of being; strengthening senses of life, balance, movement, touch; reality of hierarchical beings and their effect on human nature and human destiny. |
Childhood’s Trials and AccomplishmentsRethinking Erik Erikson’s developmental stages from a spiritual psychology lens; exploring ages 7 to 14 (second septennial); life/etheric forces as basis of a living being; deepening principles linked to aspects of consciousness: lower unconsciousness, higher unconsciousness, middle unconsciousness; repression barriers as shadow and guardians of threshold between ordinary consciousness and spiritual consciousness; the 9-year change as gateway to earthly maturity; sense psychology in relation to volition/willing; balancing polarities in 12 senses as a means to wellness; introjection and projection as developmental necessity; incarnation challenges as predispositions for obsessions, compulsions, eating disorders; the Double and the Shadow. |
Who am I: The Search for Identity and AuthenticityExploring ages 14 to 21 (third septennial); understanding origins and manifestations of gender and sexuality; sentient body the basis for one’s consciousness of self; trials associated with 4 elements: addiction, depression, anxiety, loss of self; tackling egotism as present-day symptom of the “Fall from the Garden of Eden”; archetypal complexes/subpersonalities; mythology as valuable lens into human nature and becoming; cognition/thinking and volition/will from a 7-fold perspective; Know Thyself as mandate from the Lesser Guardian; the human body and soul as expression of the cosmos. | Contemporary Wellness Challenges from a 7-fold LensUncovering the magnitude of materialism (associative thinking contrasted with “enlivened” thinking) and secularism (denial of spiritual realities); modern-day soul challenges: spiritual by-passing; repression of the sublime; understanding induction as inevitable developmental occurrence; karma/destiny, freedom or necessity; introducing human nature and becoming from a 7-fold lens; the 7 life-processes as source of life; 7 life processes a basis for knowing the human being and healing the despair maladies of our time; deficits in contemporary psychology; experiencing the planetary seals, seat of the soul; the mystery of embodiment; doubt, fear and hate as evolving necessities; 3-fold manifestations of soul life: sentient soul, intellectual soul, consciousness soul. |
Components and Forces Working in the SelfExamining the seven physical organs from a 3-fold lens: bodily, psychologically and spiritually; physical organs as psychological processes; a new approach to three archetypal soul expressions: victim, rescuer, oppressor; forgiveness, a journey towards spirit self; seven planetary/personality types. |
Consolidating the 7-fold Map of the Human Being7 organ systems, 7 phases of evolution, 7 life processes; transforming negative/fallen life processes; recognizing barriers to learning; fairy tales as a journey through 7-fold landscape; destiny learning; 4 elements and the 4 ethers; translations from contemporary psychology to anthroposophic psychology such as EMDR; non-violent communication model; 4 meteorological organ systems: heart, kidneys, liver, lungs; psychopathology in relation to organology. | Beyond the Personal SelfInitiation/personal metamorphosis as modern mystery schooling; 3 levels of spirit awakening possible from age 43 and beyond: spirit self/transpersonal self, life spirit/true self, spirit human/universal self; pathology or initiation; knowledge and attainment of higher worlds; path inward and the path outward; 9-fold human nature embedded in the three levels of unfoldment: the bodily, psychological, and spiritual aspects of becoming; transition from self-actualization to self-realization; requirement of moral development; 12 virtues as a transformative methodology; astrosophy and psychology; differentiating “ideals” from “idols.” |
Digesting the 2-fold, 3-fold, 4-fold, 7-fold, 9-fold, and 12-fold Understanding of the Human Being and the WorldUnderstanding all systems from the viewpoint of the 12-fold structure of manifestation; pathways towards ennobling the personality; personality disorders from perspective of three spatial planes; capstone projects; closing our learning circle; recapping the anthroposophic psychology program via AAP’s mission statement: “Re-membering psychology through relational Anthroposophia.” |
3 Levels of Certification |
As noted in our Policies and Procedures: The Three Categories of Certificates are:
AAP will issue each successful participant a Certificate of Completion or, with submission and approval of a capstone project, a Certificate of Completion with Achievement, only if full payment for the Certificate Program has been received. A Certificate of Attendance can be issued to a participant who misses two seminars without making up one seminar through a faculty-approved process; this certificate acknowledging attendance will state that the individual has attended only seven seminars out of nine. Certificates are issued within 30 days of the Program end date. Our Policies and Procedures also includes information about making up missed seminars. |
Program Dates |
The location will be at Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, Phoenixville, PA.
Year 1
| Year 2
| Year 3
Tuition Costs
Applicants understand they are agreeing to pay for the entire program upon registration, not individual or preferred seminars. Seminars cannot be purchased individually.
| Tuition does not include travel, housing or meals |
New Registrants
CAMPHILL Registrants
ASSOCIATES PROGRAMAssociates will be selected after an application process from the current and past Graduates of AAP's 3-Year Programs. More information will become available, as the program is developed.
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) are available each year for an additional fee.Registrants selecting Payment Plans for Options 2 or 3, will be asked to enter into a Credit Card Payment Authorization agreement to automatically debit their credit card on file for the selected plan and respective due dates. |