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  • To receive our updates 

    • with news about AAP Psychology
    • with discussions about current issues in psychology as elaborated through anthroposophic psychology
  • To support the development and training of anthroposophic psychology – a threefold psycho-spiritual orientation grounded in the work of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner.

  • To attend our biennial meeting in concert with AHA (Anthroposophic Health Assn., formerly known as AAMTA : Association of Anthroposophic Medicine and Therapies of America)

For a directory of practitioners who have graduated AAP's 3-Year Certificate Program, please go to:  Directory of AAP Practitioners

We are seeking to foster integration of soul and spirit into the lives and work of mental health professionals as well as into human lives. Too often people are diagnosed with a mental health disorder, then given a pill to “make it go away.” If the diagnosis was correct, the medication might relieve the symptoms; as such we should be aware of how prescribed medications affect the body, soul, and spirit, and their consequences. Research shows that, over the longer term, these interventions decline in effectiveness, often leaving a person in worse shape than before — and, from our point of view, perhaps missing an important learning opportunity underlying the mental health challenge that has occurred in their lives.

Because mainstream psychology is, to a great extent, following a pharmacological path – or toward brief formula-fix-it therapies, anthroposophic psychology makes the opposite case. Instead of a reductionist molecular biological picture of the human being, apparent in the contemporary emphasis on pharmacological treatment, anthroposophic psychology places the psycho-spiritual dimensions of human nature alongside of the physical one as of equal value while distinguishing the soul-spiritual nature from the body. The world is getting more challenging, and we need to ready our souls to meet the challenges of our time.

Membership in AAP includes joining a fellowship of those who are earnestly engaged in exploring the heights, depths and widths of human nature; a community of individuals who are invested in wisely meeting mental health concerns. This is not a membership organization where members vote for board or officers or faculty.

As AAP receives regular requests for referrals, we plan to list professionals in the Practitioner category below.

There are two kinds of membership:

  1. Friends of AAP Psychology, who support this work and would like access to Member communications and downloads. $50/year.
  2. Practitioners. To be listed on our Practitioner Directory (for those seeking help from a counselor or therapist trained in Anthroposophic Psychology), you will be requested to provide proof of completion of one of the following categories.  $90/year
These are three separate Practitioner categories:
A. Practitioners who have completed AAP's Three-Year Certificate Program with a Certificate of  Completion or a Certificate of Completion with Achievement (indicating a capstone project)
B. Practitioners who are licensed mental health practitioners who have completed AAP's Three Year Certificate Program with a Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Completion with Achievement (indicating a capstone project).
C. Practitioners who have completed a program approved by IFAPA (International Federation of Anthroposophic Psychotherapy Associations).
NOTE: Practitioner Levels are subject to Faculty approval.  Graduates of the AAP Program: follow the instructions below to upgrade your Membership level to Practitioner.

NOTE: A portion of your annual fee is sent to AHA (Anthroposophic Health Association formerly known as AAMTA - Association of Anthroposophic Medicines & Therapies in America) and to IFAPA (International Federation of Anthroposophic Psychotherapy Associations, based in Dornach, Switzerland).

Use the form below to Join the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology.

ATTENTION Existing Members:  to upgrade your Membership Level, please make note of the following instructions.  Below you will see a yellow box below noting You are already a member.  Click the hyperlink Edit your member profile.  You will be redirected to My Profile.  Below the header Membership details, and next to Membership level, click on the hyperlink Change.  At the next screen, select the Membership level you wish to change to, then select Next.  At the next screen, confirm your information, then select Update and Next.  At the next screen, select the button Pay online.  You will be redirected to log into your PayPal account to submit payment.  NOTE:  Practitioner Level is subject to Faculty Approval.

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