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AAP Policies and Procedures

Disclaimer, Terms, Conditions & Copyright Notice

Counselors AdVenture offers programs, workshops, and seminars on behalf of AAP.


All AAP participant information, including participant identity and any other information submitted to AAP by a participant, is kept confidential and secure. Studies and reports concerning participants will not contain personally identifying information unless authorized by the participant. A participant may formally request information be sent to a third party. Requests must be sent in writing, and AAP reserves up to 30-days to respond.

General Policy on Ethics:
We are guided by the Code of Ethics of the American Counseling Association.  (https://www.counseling.org/resources/aca-code-of-ethics.pdf)

Participant Feedback:
AAP will e-mail each participant a link to an online survey form within 14 days of the last day of the program. Participants are given 14 days to complete surveys. Participants have the option of completing these surveys anonymously. Participant feedback is shared with all pertinent presenters and staff. AAP strives to utilize this feedback to improve future programs. Composites of these surveys may be sent to other agencies. No personally identifying information will be included in reports sent to third parties without consent of the participant.

Participant Complaints:

Formal participant complaints must be submitted in writing, emailing complaints to:  Admin at AnthroposophicPsychology dot org

Participants can submit anonymous complaints via the online feedback survey given after each seminar. 

Complaints will be reviewed by the administrator and any pertinent AAP faculty or staff. AAP reserves up to 30-days to respond to participant complaints.

Financial Assistance:
We want you to partake of our seminars and wish we could offer assistance, yet AAP does not have a fund for this purpose at this time. Consider requesting help from friends or family who are eager to help you, or a loan from an individual or organization interested in supporting you in this work.  In case of real financial need and inability to find other funding possibilities, contact admin@anthroposophicpsychology.org to request a discussion about possible options.  You may be required to submit a Financial Assistance Form.

Participant Disclaimer and Waiver Notice to Being Photographed or Recorded:
By registering and attending any programs offered, whether in-person or online, Participant hereby grants irrevocable consent to Counselors AdVenture (CAV) and the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology (AAP), its representatives and agents, the right to record and take photographs and videos of Participant and any property in connection with the programs.  Participant authorizes CAV and AAP, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically, for the purpose of representing aspects of the program in anthroposophic psychology.   

Participant also agrees that CAV and AAP may use such photographs of Participant with or without their name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising and web content.  All photographs, film or video footage, or other audio or video recordings of the trainings, and any works derived therefrom, shall be the sole property of Counselors AdVenture and the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology.

For purposes of the online trainings, by logging in and participating in the Zoom meeting(s), Participant is consenting to be recorded with their microphone and/or camera turned on and their name on the screen. 

  • You also have the option to log in and participate in the Zoom meeting(s) and consent to be recorded with Participant's microphone and/or camera turned off.  Participant's screen name may appear in the recordings.
  • Or, Participant can decline to participate live in the Zoom meeting(s) and watch the recording later.
  • The election of a Participant to log in and participate in the Zoom meeting(s) and to use a microphone and/or camera constitutes a release and waiver of rights in the capture of the Participant's image, likeness, and/or voice for the exclusive use by the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology and/or Counselors AdVenture.

No Electronics, No Photographs or Recording in the Classroom:
To enhance the experience of all in the room, electronic devices are not accepted for note-taking; no photographs are allowed as some participants have not given their permission for use.  Recording is also strictly forbidden.  Thank you for understanding the importance of creating a warm space for learning and sharing to occur.  AAP Faculty will be recording the sessions for the 3-Year Certificate Program.  Those recordings are available to active participants and made available through the Cohort Portal on our website throughout the three-year term.

Missed Seminars in our Certificate Programs:
Individuals must join a cohort by the second seminar in the series of nine seminars. After the second seminar, the cohort becomes a closed group. 

At present, a participant can miss a maximum of two seminars, one without completing make-up work and one with completing make-up work with faculty oversight.

Without make-up work: Individuals are allowed to miss only one seminar in the three-year series without completing make-up work.  Participants should realize that missing this experience affects everyone else in the program. An individual who has missed a seminar shall make every effort to acquaint himself/herself with not only the content of the missed program but also with every other aspect of what occurred.

Individuals may miss seminars for such reasons as military deployment, illness, or jury duty. In such cases, it is highly recommended that individuals complete make-up work before the next seminar. This includes listening to recordings of the seminar presentations, completing homework, completing peer mentorship sessions, and completing mentorship session(s) with a presenter (or, at the presenter's discretion, an Associate). It is the participant's responsibility to arrange to find these resources, and schedule with a presenter (or Associate or Intern). A fee may be charged for post-seminar consultation with a presenter (or Associate or Intern), a private arrangement to be agreed upon between the participant and the presenter (or Associate or Intern).  Continuing Education (CE) hours will not be awarded for make-up work.

Tuition is due in full for missed sessions that are made-up. Tuition is utilized, in part, to pay presenters and staff for coordination of assignments and mentorship, utilization of seminar recordings, and administrative costs. NOTE: a certificate will not be awarded unless all tuition obligations are met.

Missing more than two seminars without make-up work in the nine seminar Certificate Program is grounds for postponing the participant’s attendance until the next Certificate Program. With prior approval by faculty, participants may attend missed seminars in another location.

See also: Certificates section

Cancellation Policies:
Participants are able to cancel 35 days before the first day of the first seminar to receive a full reimbursement of tuition, less a $150 processing fee.

Cancellation before the start date of the second seminar: 50% refund less a $150 processing fee, unless one has previously opted on the Tuition Agreement document to attend Seminar #1 before committing to the entire 3 Year Certificate Program in which case cancellation before Seminar #2 would require cancellation notification 35 days prior to the first day of the second seminar to receive a full reimbursement of tuition, less a $150 processing fee.

Cancellation before the start date of the third seminar: 30% refund less a $150 processing fee. 

After attending Seminar #3 there is no refund.  AAP 3 Year Certificate Programs are offered based on the number of participants enrolled, so payment commitments must be honored.  

In order to make up any seminar that the participant previously cancelled, the participant is responsible for 100% of tuition for that seminar. [See "Make Up" for additional information on making up missed seminars.]

All room and board costs are refunded according to the facility’s or host's cancellation policy. AAP does not regulate or interfere with the policies of any facility that AAP utilizes for seminars or any host. Any participant seeking a refund from the facility or host must do so on his/her own.

Occasionally, changes may be made before the day of a seminar due to speaker availability, participant demand, presenter needs, or other unforeseen circumstances. Normally, these are minor schedule changes. Though unlikely, if an entire seminar or lecture has to be cancelled, AAP liability is limited only to the tuition for that seminar or fee for that lecture;  every effort will be made by AAP to reschedule said seminar or lecture.

Payment Options:
See Tuition Agreement document for full explanation of payment options.

Only students in financial good standing will be permitted to participate in the Programs.

Board and lodging expenses are paid according to the facility’s or host's policies. AAP does not regulate or interfere with payment options/policies of facilities used for AAP seminars or host's agreement.

Certificates (three categories):  of Completion, of Completion with Achievement, of Attendance:
AAP will issue each successful participant a Certificate of Completion or, with submission and approval of a capstone project, a Certificate of Completion with Achievement, only if full payment for the Certificate Program has been received.  A Certificate of Attendance can be issued to a participant who misses two seminars without making up one seminar through a faculty-approved process.  See above "Make-Up" for making up one of the missed sessions, which includes payment of that missed session (additional costs may apply).  The Certificate of Attendance acknowledges attendance and will state that the individual has attended only seven seminars out of nine.  Certificates are issued within 30 days of the Program end date.

No certificates will be awarded unless all tuition obligations have been met.

Continuing Education (CE) Hours:
AAP offers NBCC-approved CE credits through North Dakota State University.

Non-Discrimination Policy:
AAP does not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, socioeconomic background, race, color, national origin, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion, or disability.

All Rights Reserved. Association for Anthroposophic Psychology.

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