Tonya Stoddard, AAP’s representative to AHA (Anthroposophic Health Assn.) and AHA’s co-president, has asked AAP to share this announcement with you. It is open and available to anyone interested.
Greetings, Christine Huston
Dear Members of the Medical Section,
You may have noted that this year’s annual conference of the Anthroposophical Society in America will be dedicated to the ‘renewal of the esoteric stream’ raying out from the Christmas Conference. To that effect, the ASA has made the fostering of connections within the School for Spiritual Science – such as between those active within the Section and those carrying responsibility for the Class – one of its priorities. In an effort to make the Section work more visible to the membership, the ASA has scheduled a string of workshops at the upcoming Portland conference where Section members will be given the opportunity to present their ongoing research and inter-sectional collaboration.
There will be various Section workshops sessions running concurrently at the following times:
As the representative of the Medical Section on the Collegium of the School for Spiritual Science, I would like to ask any of you attending the conference to please join me at the medical Section workshop to present ongoing research or initiative that would inform the conference participants of the activities in the Medical Section. A 90 min. time slot will be available to accommodate 3 or 4 short presentations.
Should you be interested, please direct your responses to my email address:
Looking forward to seeing you there,
Branko Furst, M.D.
All Rights Reserved. Association for Anthroposophic Psychology.