My counseling approach
Inspired by the works of Rudolf Steiner on the physical, soul and spiritual development of the human being, I offer unique insight into the struggles adolescents, teens and adults encounter on our journeys to becoming whole and satisfied people. While we can't change difficult situations of the past, I can help you and/or your child focus on what challenges the past has brought and guide you and/or your child towards transformation. I approach this by leading you and/or your child toward developing the capacities of thinking, feeling and willing through cultivating a rich inner life, making healthy environmental choices and creating a positive path towards healing.
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with certification in Anthroposophic Psychology and over 15 years of experience working with extremely diverse populations and issues. I have worked on both prevention and treatment with adolescents, teens and adults struggling with mental health concerns, chronic medical difficulties, addiction, trauma and behavioral problems.