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Stacey Johnson


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List your academic degrees and/or certifications
Waldorf Grades Certification
Professional state licenses, if any (include license #)
CADC-CAS #1712304
My counseling approach
I work with clients with addiction and mental health challenges. My approach is tailored to what each person brings, utilizing humanistic, transpersonal,CBT, emotive, and anthroposophical psychology elements into my practice. I work with the whole human being, Body Soul and Spirit. I work with individuals,couples, and families. Much like a classroom dynamic, I see each person as an individual bringing their "offering" to the karma of the group. Anthroposophical Psychology has taught me more about working with the human spirit. I believe each addict has brought with him/her a tremendous calling or yearning for Spirit, and through this lens I can not only offer traditional theraputic techniques but also open my clients minds to the idea that transforming their addiction is a gift, to themselves as well as the healing of humanity. Most people have not looked at their addiction or themselves in this light. It is amazing to watch someone awaken to the idea that their suffering transformed has the power to help change the world as well as themselves.
I also do early recovery and mental health life coaching, making it affordable for everyone to make meaningful change, for themselves, a loved one or families, As Nietzsche said, "one must still have chaos in oneself to able to give birth to a dancing star".
Sacramento California
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